Thursday, September 05, 2024

Currently: September 2024

I'm a day late linking up with Jennifer at Overflowing With Thankfulness for her "Currently" post because yesterday was the first day of school in our area. I worked nine hours on Tuesday and 45 minutes longer than I should have yesterday. It's been a crazy week and I can't wait until it's over! I will be spending this weekend sleeping and catching up on all the house/family things I haven't done this week. Until then, read on for my responses to the "currently" prompts.


I am "loving" how happy Sam and Rachel were to start school yesterday. I love that we have no major transitions this year, and I love that the kids are older and way more responsible for themselves. We don't have to make their lunches, walk them to school -- just all the things are so much easier!

I am also "loving" all the family fun we had last weekend. We did a Taylor Swift themed escape room and it was so much fun! Then we did a bubble experience which was pretty fun. I was "loving" how the kids were playing with the various bubble experiences. As teenagers, they don't do a lot of play anymore so I loved seeing them embrace that for a bit.

[looking forward to]

Due to some unusual circumstances we ended up with a ton of berries this week so I've been "looking forward to" eating them in my lunch every day. We don't usually have so many berries on hand!


Also, given how exhausting this first week of school has been, I'm really "looking forward to" this weekend. Hahaha!!!


You can tell it's back to school season because Sam is making egg salad for his lunches again. Boiled eggs is all I was "smelling" when I got home from work a few days ago. Other than that, I'm not smelling anything exciting :)



I am struggling with this prompt. I don't know what I'm "watching." I guess I'm "watching" my email for all that "back to school" information -- sports tryouts, meet the teacher nights, dance rehearsals, etc --there's a lot of information coming in my email right now.

I'm hoping that this weekend I will be "watching" a fall Hallmark movie, or two, but it really depends on what else is happening -- church, dance rehearsals, youth events, etc. I just want a cozy evening at home :)


I am "admiring" Rachel's resilience. She found out most of her friends are in a different class than her, and rather than complaining about it, or stressing too much, she said, "I'm disappointed but as long as I have one friend, I'll be okay." I was really impressed with her resilience, and honestly, I think I was getting more anxious about it than she was. She did end up with a couple of friends in her class so it's all good but it was a stressful few hours until we found some friends.

(For class assignments, each kid finds out their class and then it's a big waiting game of texting and emailing each other to find out which class each kid got. There is no such thing as "class lists posted for everyone to see" anymore.)

In less weighty things, I am also "admiring" our play room. We went through the whole thing on Monday, got rid of a ton of stuff, and just generally cleaned it up and organized it, for this new teenage stage of life. Sam cleaned off his desk and it's just so much more usable now. And yes, we still call it "the play room" even though no one really plays there anymore. The name has stuck!

So that's what's up with us "Currently." We're big into "back to school" season around here and just getting through the first week of fall routines. By October's "currently" we'll be much more settled, but for now, we're off for our second day.


  1. Wishing you all the BEST school year and enjoy those berries- they look beautiful!

  2. That is admirable of Rachel! Good job.

  3. Its always good when your kids are excited to get back to school.

  4. We still call our playroom a playroom too and I can not remember the last time anyone played in there! It sounds like the schoolyear is off to a great start for your kids; it's fabulous when they're more self-sufficient isn't it? Wishing you all the best school year!

  5. Way to go Rachel!! Love ther ferns in the play room! Do they do ok inside? We got one for our porch this year and want to keep it alive this winter inside!

  6. That's awesome that the school year has started out well and the kids are settling into those routines and new classes smoothly. Love Rachel's mature take on the disappointment of being in a different class than most of her friends - good for her! Hope everything is going well!


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