Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Share Our Lives: A Summer Day In The Life

In July the Share Our Lives bloggers topic was a "summer day in the life." I actually took pictures, and wrote the majority of this post, before we left on our family vacation, but then I never finished it. So here is a very belated "summer day in the life." It was Monday, July 8th. Welcome to a "we're heading out on vacation" day in the life. Spoiler alert: It involves a lot of laundry!
I woke up around 7am. I hung a load of laundry, deadheaded my day lilies (a daily task at this time of year), and sat down for a cup of coffee-hot chocolate with Dave.
I also checked to see if my latest lily had opened up, and it had! Yay!!!
I had more laundry on the go and cleaned off my desk. I hadn't really dealt with is since dumping all my work stuff on it so it needed some help. I then went and sat outside with Rachel while she painted her nails and drank more coffee-hot chocolate.
I had a list of task to accomplish before we left on vacation in my planner. I worked on crossing some of the tasks off the list as well as doing a round of dishes.
I completed our family calendar for July (just a few days late -- hahaha!) and made a list of tasks to accomplish around the house for when we get back -- mostly organizing some spaces that we don't get to regularly and deep cleaning a few spots in our house.
Around 11am, I headed out with Sam to walk to his high school to pick up his report card. We're learning all sorts of new routines in high school and one of them is that report cards aren't available until school has been out for about two weeks. I also stopped at the guidance office and introduced myself to the guidance secretary since I work with her in the Grade 8-9 transition in the spring but it's all through email.
Dave made lunch of tuna melts and Sam wanted a bag of ketchup chips. Eating when we're about to leave on vacation is always very random!
We've been gathering items to take on our trip and I added a few more things to the pile. Clearly we're not flying this time! Hahaha!!!
Rachel has the dream to paint her pink bookshelf and, since we had some time, we headed to the paint store to get some advice on how to do it. This is a project for after we get back from vacation but they were having a good sale so we bought the supplies today. She wants to go from a pastel pink shelf to a blue-grey so we'll see how it turns out.
Since it's July, I felt comfortable getting rid of all our winter gear from the back entry! Hahaha! Seriously though, I just hadn't made the time to clean it up yet. I'll wash it when we get back but at least we have more room on our coat rack now.
I packed for our trip and Rachel used an avocado to make guacamole. It was good!
I finished up more packing, including getting some things to the car, and finishing up last minute tasks.
Sam had a 6pm soccer game so we picked up supper at Subway and ate at the soccer field while he played his game.
The soccer field is by the library so I returned some books and we menu planned/made a grocery list for after vacation.
After Sam's soccer game, we briefly stopped at home for last minute items, jumped in the car, and hit the road. We drove until 12:30am when we were about halfway to our first destination and stopped at a hotel for the night.

And that was a "summer day in the life." Thanks to the Share Our Lives bloggers (Sarah, Dara, Joanne, Adrienne, and Jen. (Click on each name to go their blogs.)) for the idea. Since this post, Rachel has painted her shelf, I've washed and stored all the winter gear, and I've crossed a few things off my "extra things to get done" list. My day today will be much less exciting than the one I documented and involves laundry, a massage, cooking, watching Ted Lasso with Sam, and trying to get a few house things done. Yay summer!


  1. What a productive and yet relaxing day- gotta love all of the outdoor time!

  2. It is always a great feeling to put the winter gear away! Here, we can do it well before July... but whenever it is, it´s a good feeling. Yes, to eating random before leaving town. It´s always a goal of mine to buy very little food before we go somewhere to force us to eat food lingering on the fridge shelves that should get eaten :).

  3. I feel like you're going to need to get those winter things out sooner than later!! Haha.

  4. At least you still get report cards! Alec's school had a report card we could view online but they never sent home any physical copies, I thought that was so odd. That is so smart to make your menu/grocery list for after vacation before you even leave. I dread facing that when we return home.


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