Monday, August 12, 2024

Share Our Lives: Least Favourite Activities

I had amazing plans to do all sorts of blogging catch up (both writing posts and reading other blogs) this summer but four weeks of travel in a span of five weeks, and the death of our pastor/friend, put a wrinkle in those plans. So now, here it is -- almost mid-August -- I go back to work next week, and I'm returning to blogging after basically taking most of the summer off. Phew. I've missed you guys, and writing here in this space, and I will be doing A LOT of vacation catch up, but not today. Today it's Share Our Lives with Sarah, Dara, Joanne, Adrienne, and Jen. (Click on each name to go their blogs.)

Today we're talking about our "least favourite activities." I decided to limit it to ten activities because I could go on and on about this. Hahahaha!!! In no particular order, here they are:

1) Going to the dentist. I had braces when I was a pre-teen so I feel like I've had enough work done on my teeth to last a lifetime. Unfortunately, the dentist doesn't agree. There was a point when I didn't go to the dentist for eight whole years (GASP) but now I go regularly. I just don't like it.

I also don't like to floss!

2) Cleaning the bathroom. Dave cleans the bathroom because he's a perfectionist and does a better job than I do.

3) Dealing with dust bunnies and hair. I HATE dealing with hair, even my own, so Dave always cleans it up. I worked as a maid for over a year and that was definitely the grossest part of the job.

4) Having to drive anywhere. I didn't get my license until I was 35 and not driving became such a part of my life. I really don't like driving.

5) Running. I tried for years to be a runner. And finally, I have just embraced the fact that I don't like it. So now I walk everywhere!

6) Watching movies. If you ask me what I want to do, watching a movie is the last thing on my list. I'll sit through three baseball games no problem but ask me to watch a movie (that's not a Hallmark movie) and I'll suddenly want to drive to the dentist! Hahahaha!!!

7) Breaking up my kids' fights. WHY do they fight so much? WHY?

8) Convincing the kids to help around the house. I want to raise kids who turn into responsible adults but WHY is it so hard to get the kids to help!?!?! It's way quicker for me to do things on my own. But then I'm just letting them get away with not helping. Honestly, it's easier just to tear my hair out. But then I'd have to clean it up. Ugh.

9) Folding laundry. I cannot overstate how much I LOVE washing and hanging out the laundry. Then it sits in the living room, unfolded in baskets, for days, weeks, months... I have found that taking all the baskets upstairs, listening to an engaging podcast (the only time I listen to podcasts), and folding the laundry on our bed helps. A bit.

The Neverending Cycle 

Why is this so true?!?!?!?

10) Showering. I will do everything possible to avoid taking a shower. I just don't love being wet. I do take showers but I stretch them out to every two or three days. People who shower every day confuse me. Dave also confuses me because he LOVES to shower.

So there you go -- just a few things I really don't like doing. I'm looking forward to reading your lists to see if we share any activities in common, or to see if you mentioned things I didn't, but which I also don't like doing.

I'm going to try and do some blogging catch up this week so hopefully I'll be back with another post tomorrow. Until then, Happy Monday!


  1. The shower comment made me crack up- I have never heard that- ha!

  2. We had the first few things in common!

  3. I love being in the shower and I love being clean, but that time when I get out and I'm all wet, not a favourite for me either!! Totally agree with you on the kids things.

  4. Oh I love to shower too; with hot, hot water as well. Some days I'll even shower twice. LOL. BUT I am right there with you on so many of the others-- never have been and never will be a runner, I dislike driving but really have no choice and the same goes for cleaning, laundry.

  5. i like showers when i dont get bothered by kids, which never happens anymore. I would rather be a passenger princess than drive, but right now my car isn't working and it driving me nuts that I am stuck at home.

  6. The dentist and the bathroom were on my list too.

  7. I agree with the running. I don't mind to shower, but I don't wash my hair as often and drying it is a whole other chore!

  8. So sorry about your pastor. Sending love and hugs.
    I hate going to the dentist too and cleaning our bathroom. It's a never ending job!
    Ahh! I get you with trying to get the kids to help around the house, it is so much easier said than done. Ugh!

  9. Very interesting. I don't like driving at times either, especially with my hubby in the car.

  10. I do not enjoy driving either. So many of my friends really enjoy it (go figure!) but it works out well. I'll gladly buy some gas if someone else will do the driving! Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday...have a good week!

  11. I will workout, but I don't run. I used to in my 20's, but not now. No thanks! The meme is great! haha laundy is never ending. Thanks for joining our link up!


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