Yesterday Holly at Pink Lady and Patty at Good, Better, Best asked us questions about "summer's end/back to school" for their "Monthly Musings" link up. As our kids start back next week (and I've been back at work for two weeks already) this is a very timely link up for us!
1) Do you meal plan? Any family friendly recipes to share?
I do meal plan. I used to meal plan a month at a time but I've fallen out of that habit. We sat down this past weekend and planned for the next two weeks and that felt like an accomplishment. Even if we don't make all the planned meals, at least I know what some possibilities are.
Our favourite family friendly meals include tacos and pasta and BBQs. Honestly, anything quick and easy is on the menu for these next couple of "back to school" weeks.
And I know it's not "meal planning" but we also bake a lot of muffins this time of year. They're an easy thing to grab for lunches, breakfasts, after school snacks, and filling in the holes.
2) What are your back to school traditions?
We bake a lot of muffins (which Rachel has taken over this year -- WHOOOO HOOO!!!) and we do our traditional "first day of school" pictures. I love the fact that this is so important to the kids that they made me take a "first day" picture of my first day of work with the school board!
First days of school last year. It was a big year with Rachel starting middle school and Sam starting high school.
3) Where do you do your best shopping for kids' clothes and supplies?
In our basement in our hand me down boxes! HAHAHAHAHA!!! I don't have a better answer than this. We don't really have to buy school supplies in our area as they are all provided. Rachel picked up a new binder at a garage sale this summer.
Honestly, I am struggling a bit because I need to figure out new places to shop for Sam. Our hand me downs are getting a little low (which makes sense) and he's out of kids' sizes. Where do I shop for young men?!?!? Help!
4) How do you transition your wardrobe for fall?
I tend to wear cardigans to help with the cooler mornings. That way I can take it off when the afternoons get hot. I really dislike these "in between" seasons and I can never figure out how to dress for the weather. Layers are my friend.
5) Any end of summer trips planned?
We're going to Toronto this weekend -- does that count? Other than that, nope, we're planning on staying put for a bit.
6) Do schools in your area start before or after Labour Day?
For the past two years, our school year has started with a PD Day on the day after Labour Day so the first day of school is the Wednesday after Labour Day. That feels really late. I wish they would change the PD Day.
7) What are your Labour Day plans?
I plan to sleep in, get some yard work done (if the weather cooperates), get some housecleaning done (if the rest of my family cooperates), and generally lay low.
8) White after Labour Day? Yes or no?
I will wear my white t-shirt with a skirt after Labour Day if it's really hot out. But generally I don't wear white after Labour Day and I don't really know why.
9) Pumpkin Spice ... as soon as it comes out or wait until real fall?
I hate Pumpkin Spice with a passion so my answer is "NEVER EVER!!!"
10. Best life hacks for back to school.
Have older kids and a spouse who works from home!!! Hahaha! Now that my kids are older, and Dave handles all the at home stuff, I find back to school sooooo much easier. Basically, I just make sure we have good food in the house for lunch packing. It's pretty much the best!
Happy back to school season everyone! I know some of you are undergoing big transitions right now -- sending kids off to university/college or kindergarten or middle school or high school or other big changes. I'm thankful this year is status quo for us and we're hopeful for a great year!