Wednesday, July 19, 2023

I Spy 2023: Week 28

You can tell I'm on a very relaxing vacation because my days are all running together. This "I Spy" post is a day late because time has no meaning these days. Ooops. So here's what I spied in Saskatchewan this past week.

Let's Play iSpy 2022

on board

I am always "on board" with whatever the bartender (aka my dad) is serving! Since he bought this bottle of vodka at Costco (hahaha!), we've been enjoying a lot of vodka based drinks. This week he invented the Saskatoon Gopher -- basically a Moscow Mule with homemade raspberry syrup added -- yum yum yum!!!

workspace – quarterly

Well, I don't really need a "workspace" right now but this corner of the island is where I set up my computer in Saskatoon. This week I've been using it to book some fun adventures for the kids and I for later this summer. This is the kind of "work" I can get behind :) 


One of our family's "favourite" meals in Saskatchewan is farmer's sausage, warenky (prounounced "ve-ren-e-key;" aka perogies (sort of)), cream gravy, and fried onions. This is goodness on a plate and was my request for my birthday dinner for years as a kid.


Another staple of "summer" in Saskatchewan is (almost) nightly milkshakes. They're usually strawberry milkshakes but this year we've also enjoyed mango milkshakes (for Sam and I) and raspberry ones (pictured). The raspberry ones (made with freshly picked raspberries) were ah-mazing.

your choice


These views of canola fields blooming beneath the huge Saskatchewan skies are always "my choice!"

*week 80 of Lysha's challenge prompts. Lysha didn't post for these prompts.


  1. Oww that raspberry cocktail sounds amazing- hope you are enjoying your time together! :)

  2. That Saskatoon gopher sounds delicious! I love the idea of adding raspberry!


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