Saturday, February 13, 2021

I Spy Photos: Week 6

It's I Spy, Week 6 with Lysha at A Camera and A Cookbook. I love having photo prompts to think of throughout the week. However, true confession: This past week was a week and I ended up taking all of these photos yesterday. But I was thinking about the prompts all week so that counts, right?!!?

 Let's Play iSpy 2021


It's a long weekend here in Canada and I am thrilled because one of the things we are going to do is go through the playroom. We need to get rid of things the kids don't play with anymore, and do some reorganizing. As of last night, this room was messy but hopefully it will look a lot better soon!


 I've menu planned a month at a time for over ten years now. I put down in writing what we're going to eat. That doesn't mean things don't change (we barely followed it this past week) but the kids can go and see what's for dinner whenever they want. Having things down in writing helps us stay organized as a family.


It hasn't been a super-cold February for us but it's been cold enough that we get beautiful frost patterns on our window (glass) in the mornings. 


Rachel got Bluey for her sixth birthday, over three years ago. When I told Dave one of the prompts for this week was "alive" he commented, "It's kind of amazing that Bluey is still alive." Rachel has been a bit of a neglectful pet parent lately but Bluey doesn't seem to care. 

{photographer's choice}

If you're shocked that I'm posting yet another picture of tulips, then you don't know me very well :) At least I tried to get a different angle!


  1. I love your last three photos! I just began planning a month at a time for our menus as well and I am loving it.

    1. Thank you! And monthly meal planning is a pain at first but so worth it. And I like how we get more variety when I can see a whole month of meals.

  2. Great finds - that frost is so pretty!

  3. Meal planning is like taking organization to a new level. Good for you. :)

  4. Keep the tulip pictures coming- love them all- so beautiful and giving me hope for spring!

    1. The tulips really give me hope for spring too. I will keep them coming as long as I can find them in stores!

  5. The frost on the glass is pretty cool. So is the fish for living so long!

  6. How amazing everyone's photos are. My fave of yours is the 'glass' frosting and the 'alive' fish

  7. The ice crystals on the glass is gorgeous! Just amazing to me snow flakes and how beautiful they are. I had a beta fish in high school. They are so pretty. Gorgeous top view of the tulips. Love that color!

  8. Love the window frost patterns! Our windows are super insulated which I guess helps with heat retention but I also miss the beautiful frost creations.


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