As always on the first Wednesday of the month, I'm linking up with Jennifer at My Joyful Life for her "Currently" post. You can find Jennifer here.
I'm really "loving" my current tulips. We've had tulips in our house since the beginning of January and I don't know how many more bouquets I'll be buying. We're heading in to the time of year where my thoughts turn to outside flowers so I'm just soaking up these last few bunches of the season.
I'm "loving" how it is getting light earlier and staying light later in the evening. I am so excited about more light!!!
left: 6:57am; right: 6:22pm
I'm "loving" this picture my mom sent of me as a baby earlier this week. I was so cute, if I can say so myself! Hahaha!!! Also, I still have that pink blanket I'm sitting on in this photo in my closet :)
I am "craving" sunshine and warmth. Spring is getting closer every day, but it's not quite here yet, and I am "craving" it so badly I can almost taste it.
I haven't been "pinning" anything recently but we've been intentionally working on cleaning our house this past week. I feel like I should have been "pinning" some cleaning schedules as our house has been a bit of a disaster these past few months and we just don't have a regular cleaning routine. Either that, or I need to be "pinning" budgeting tips so we can hire a regular house cleaner!!! It's become more and more tempting to get one as Dave and I both work full-time and the kids become more involved in other activities...
The biggest thing we're "planning" is for Sam to drive... ACK!
I'm also "planning" on getting a lot of sleep next week during our March Break. A whole week without work -- whoo hooo!!!
I wiped out really badly on glare ice while walking to work on Friday. I've been extremely sore, and I think I bruised my tailbone, or some bone back there. I spent a lot of time this past weekend sitting on the couch or lying in bed so I was "appreciating" how helpful my family was while I was not up to my usual energy. Rachel made supper on Saturday night, Dave did some extra cleaning, and Sam did some extra dishes. I will also be "appreciating" it when our snow and ice all melt and it's safe to walk again. Gah.
I'm also really "appreciating" that Dave cleaned our oven yesterday. It was so dirty and looks so much better now! Also, Dave is a perfectionist so it's good to give him jobs like the oven or the bathroom because he does an amazing job of cleaning them!!!
So that's been what's up with us "Currently." I'm really hoping by my next "currently" post we'll be enjoying spring and all the fun that brings.