I think I just need to accept the fact that this year has kicked, and will continue to kick, my butt. I don't know if it's grief, if it's two parents working full-time and raising teenagers, or what, but I feel like every month I'm struggling. We had our Eternity Sunday service (where we remember people who have died this past year) at church this past Sunday, and I wasn't planning on going but Sam was playing Chimes so I really wanted to support him. Then I sat between one of my closest friends and Dave and cried through the whole service. Then I had to dry my tears and head off to watch Rachel dance with our Chamber Orchestra. And that's been my whole month -- ups and downs -- nothing big, just... a lot. This cookie really resonated with me this weekend.
So now that I've shared all that, here's what's going on with us this month... I really do love answering the What's Up Wednesday questions every month. I like how they help me reflect on the past month and I really appreciate having a monthly record of what we've been up to. I go back and re-read these posts often. The questions come from Shay at Mix and Match Mama and Sheaffer at Sheaffer Told Me Too.

What we're eating this week... As you may recall, my mom and dad were visiting this month so we enjoyed eating brunches with them, and some suppers as well. My parents make the
best raw fried potatoes, which I've tried to copy but can't and they're one of my favourite things at these brunches. Yum!!!
Part of the result of "November kicking my butt" has been that I've only made one batch of Applesauce Jumbles thus far. I baked them on Friday, iced them on Saturday, and last night Dave said, "Are there any left because I haven't had any." Rachel, Sam, and I all looked at him and said, "We've been eating our daily quota and if you haven't kept up, that's your fault." We did decide he could have the last one, and I will be making more this weekend but clearly, around here, you snooze, you lose, if you don't eat the cookies! Hahaha!!!
As always, a shout out to Holly at Pink Lady for our
absolute favourite cookie this time of year. You can find the recipe
here. PS. This tab is constantly open on my computer/phone from mid-November until January!
What I'm reminiscing about... We bought a new car so I've been reminiscing about when we bought our old car. We had it for 15 1/2 years and bought it a week before Sam was born. Below is all of us with our car before we drove it for the very last time. Also, clearly I am too sad about getting rid of our old cars to get pictures with our new cars so, on the right, is me with our previous car on the last day we had it.
And because of our plans tonight, I've also been reminiscing about my and Rachel's trip to New York a couple of summers ago, especially this part:
What I'm loving... When my parents were here both kids had things they wanted to learn to bake so my mom taught Sam to bake buns and Rachel to make pastry and bake pumpkin pie. I love that both my kids have this interest and that my mom was able to work with them on it.
What we've been up to... November had a lot going on, including various illnesses, including one that had me down and out for about a week and a half. Ugh. Around that though we...
...did some yard work...
...celebrated my mom and dad's 55th anniversary...
...enjoyed a games and ice cream night at church.
Rachel and I planned, and worship led, and service at church...
...Rachel got her first ever pointe shoes...
...and we started high school visits with Rachel.
While we didn't attend The Eras Tour we took full advantage of some Taylor Swift merch with cookies from a favourite bakery and a Swiftie Party at one of our favourite food trucks! Also, Rachel won the huge friendship bracelet the truck was giving away -- the one hanging from the truck in the picture on the right! She was thrilled!
What I'm dreading... While Rachel is super excited about snow, I am dreading this weekend's weather forecast. Blah, I'm not ready. (I'm never ready for snow.)
What I'm working on... While Rachel is thrilled about her pointe shoes, I am much less excited about pointe shoe sewing. I had to redo the ribbons once but I got it all done. This is definitely not my skill set and I'm looking forward to the day Rachel will be able to do this on her own.
I'm also working on learning how to navigate our new car. It's electric and cars, in general, have changed a lot in the last fifteen years -- there's a lot more screens and way fewer dials. We're enjoying perks like learning how to make phone calls from the car, sometimes even intentionally! As someone who doesn't like change, and especially technological change, this has been a big learning curve for me.
What I'm excited about... Christmas with family and Winter Break in general. I'm looking forward to sleeping in and getting to see lots of cousins!!! I'm also excited to see Wicked in theatres and making my next batch of Applesauce Jumbles! Hahaha!!!
What I'm watching/reading... Well I haven't yet watched the first Hallmark movie of the season. There's just been too much going on this month and we haven't had the quiet November I was hoping for. Instead, I've been watching Sam at soccer and Rachel at dance.
I also haven't done much exciting reading this month. I don't even have a current book to share. Gasp. I really need to work on that a little...
What I'm listening to... Between school noise from the gym and the music room (both of which are in very close proximity to the office), and cheering at soccer games, and the excitement of dancers at dance, I'm pretty happy whenever I don't have to listen to anything! I had a massage last night and my masseuse turned on some music and I thought, "Can't we just have some quiet?" Yeah, I think my world is a little too noisy right now :)
What I'm wearing... I'm not wearing anything exciting but Rachel is wearing pointe shoes and Sam got glasses earlier this month so that's fun! And, we got our matching family pajamas yesterday so I'm excited about wearing those soon!!!
What I'm doing this weekend... I'm hoping to do some baking, some light decorating, some relaxing, and maybe I'll get to watch a Hallmark movie. I'm feeling ready to move into holiday mode.
What I'm looking forward to next month... Really, the thought of two weeks off work and school and dance for Winter Break is soooooo exciting, I can't wait!!! I'm looking forward to cozy nights in pajamas with not a lot of plans and snuggling under blankets on the couch.
So that's what's been up with us this November -- a lot going on at the moment and gearing up for another month. Happy Thanksgiving to my American friends and, since eighteen years ago today, at lunch time, Dave and I officially started dating, I'm going to leave you with this picture from our early months. Enjoy!
Sounds like it was not an easy month. But yay for pointe shoes! And the new car!
ReplyDeleteWishing you a very happy and healthy holiday season- you deserve it! Cracked up over the applesauce jumbles :) Congrats to Rachel on her very first pair of pointe shoes- so exciting for her!!
ReplyDeleteAh, lots of fun stuff to look forward to. How nice to have your parents teach your kids some baking. I would love some homemade buns!!
ReplyDeleteI am dreading the snow that might be in our forecast this weekend too! I am never ready for snow. So sorry to hear that this month and this whole year really have been so hard for you and your family. I'm working on some sewing today too; all of Alec's new culinary pants are already too short so I'm letting the hem down.