Wednesday, November 22, 2023

10 On The 10th: November 2023

I'm trying to be a little timelier with my posting lately so here's "10 on the 10th" for November. Please forget that some of these pictures got posted in my weekend update from a few weekends ago :)

November 10th was a Friday so I captured a picture of my walk to work and my walk home from work. I forgot to get a picture at lunchtime but this walk bookends my work day.

After work, since it was a gorgeous day, I dug half the garden bed for the lilies I wanted to plant. And I managed to get enough air in the tires to get the "low tire pressure" warning light off. Whoooo hooo!!!
Supper was all about cheese on an English muffin with quince chutney and discussing why Rachel chose this particular book from the library. (It was in honour of Remembrance Day being the following day.)
Dave had been sick for a few days so I wanted clean bedding. I haven't pulled out the flannel sheets yet but they're coming soon...
While Rachel read (in my reading chair), I finally sorted through all the kids' schoolwork from the past school year. It felt good to have this task off my plate.
Sam was at a Youth event so I had to pick him up at 9:30. I was so happy to finally crawl into bed with my Kobo.
So that was my busy November 10th -- work, some gardening, some errands, some house tasks, and, eventually, bed!


Thank you for being interested in my life as I blog it and for leaving a comment. Comments make me happier than reading a good book and drinking a cold Coke. Almost :)