Friday, May 10, 2024

Friday Favourite Moments #19

This week has been really tiring but in the best of ways -- there's been so much good stuff going on so I have a long list of favourite moments to share today.

1) Yard Work Saturday

Saturday was a gorgeous day and Dave and I did a ton of yard work all day. When I woke up that morning our grass was ankle height in both our front and back yard and you couldn't see any of our flower beds -- they all needed edging and weeding. We didn't get everything done but there was a vast improvement and I feel so much better about our yard!

Before and after of our back yard. See how the stump is clearly edged and defined, as opposed to hidden like in the first picture? Just one small improvement.


I was able to edge our whole front yard, including the front flower bed. It's been blooming with daffodils and yellow mini tulips all week and I just love how springy it looks!

2) Getting Inside Stuff Done on Sunday

I've talked before about how annoyed I am with how dirty our house is. Well, on Sunday Dave and I deep cleaned our room. It took over four hours and an entire laundry load of rags but wow, is our room so much better now! We moved furniture and cleaned baseboards and washed lamps and got rid of things. I smile so big every time I walk into our room now!


And as a bonus, I also tried a bread recipe and the bread turned out really well! I like that it only made two loaves which is about as much as my family can eat in a week.

3) My coworker is back!!!

I can't say too much about this but one of my co-workers was off for two months and she finally returned on Monday!!! Whoooo hooooo!!! It's been so great to have her back!!! She had a sub while she was away but I still ended up doing parts of her job which just added to my workload in March and April (and which was partly why work was so crazy those two months.) I'm just so happy she's back!!!

4) Fake Birthday

I didn't celebrate my birthday on the actual day as I was still recovering from Covid so we picked this past Tuesday to be my birthday celebration. Dave wrote a fun birthday blog post (you can read it here if you missed it) and we had a great day celebrating!


Rachel gave me a hilarious shirt for my birthday (it has a Simpsons' quote on it: You don't win friends with salad!), we went for ice cream after supper, and I ended the evening with Blog Friends Book Club!

 5) Dance, dance, and yes, more dance

It's dance performance week so I've spent two evenings at the theatre with another two to go. I've enjoyed catching up with a friend whose child is in their last year of dance and volunteering and seeing Rachel's classes rehearse! The show this year is "Beauty and the Beast" and a Rock 'N Roll theme.

Rachel, and her dance bestie, S, in their modern constumes (Mirrors in Beauty & the Beast) and Rachel in her Lyrical costume (Tears in Beauty & the Beast).


Jesters for ballet in Beauty & the Beast and Rock Around The Clock for Jazz in Rock 'N Roll. Rachel loves that her Jazz costume has an actual poodle on it! I can't wait to see the whole show tomorrow night!!! Tonight I'll be selling carnations and reading in between so that should be fun.

So those are my favourite moments from this past week. I think this weekend will hold some relaxation in between all the dance. I'm going to need it -- performance weeks are exhausting!


  1. Hope your birthday was fantastic! Love all of Rachel's dance pictures- looks like she is thriving!

  2. So many great things this week! I am loving the dance photos. It sounds like you had a great make-up birthday celebration.

  3. Your house is just so cute, and I love seeing you with your laundry on the line!! Yay for spring! I hope Rachel's performance was great! And I loved getting to celebrate your fake birthday with you. :)


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