Wednesday, February 07, 2024

Currently: February 2024

It's time for "Currently" with Jennifer at Overflowing With Thankfulness. You can find Jennifer here. I found this post hard to write for two reasons.

1) I just haven't had a lot of time these past few days, which you will see when you read my answer to "loving!" .

2) I struggled with what to write for some of these prompts, as you may be able to tell from some of my responses!


While it does take up a lot of time, I am "loving" getting to see Rachel at dance. This past weekend she danced with the Chamber Orchestra. During that concert, I also got to sit next to a friend I hadn't seen in a bit so I was also "loving" having some time to catch up with her.

I try to get a picture of Rachel in every single costume she wears, even though we aren't ever allowed to take pictures during the actual performances.

This week is also parent viewing at dance so last night I was "loving" watching Rachel do her thing. (And getting to take pictures!) Dave and I even got to participate in her pointe prep class which was an adventure! Above is Rachel with her dance bestie and Rach showing off some jumps. We have another two evenings of parent viewing so I'll be spending a lot more time at the dance studio this week.

[looking forward to]

 I'm really "looking forward to" this weekend. I have a fun tea time planned with my best friend, Janice, and we have a quiet Friday night, which I really need! Also, I'm still "looking forward to" every single time the sun shines! It's been a grey winter and, as I'm writing this post, the sun is shining and there's blue sky, and I am giddy!!!

[doing to be romantic]

So I asked Dave what I was "doing to be romantic." He didn't like my answer of, "Taking care of all the details" so that he didn't have to worry about any of it -- summer details, camp details for the kids, etc. He claimed that wasn't romantic! Then he reminded me of the reason we're just never romantic.

When Sam was about eight months old, we were shopping at a mall. The song, "I Will Always Love You" came on over the mall system. I was pushing Sam in the stroller and I started lip synching the song to Dave, which I thought was sweet. He did not hear the song, and had no idea what was happening. So I'm lip synching, "I-I-I will always love yooo-ooooo-oooou" and he's asking, "Are you okay? Are you having a seizure? Can you talk? What's wrong?!?!?!?"

In short, it was not romantic, Dave was concerned, I was dying laughing, and we've decided that, with us, it's hard to tell if it's romance or a medical emergency! sigh.


Dave and I in a heart in our uptown this past weekend.


This is the prompt where you all see how exciting my life really is! The first thing I'm "changing" is the salt in my salt grinder. We bought a grinder full of salt in Bonaire when we were on our cruise in January 2020. We finally used the last of it up earlier this week. Now I've filled the salt shaker with salt that Janice and Tessa brought us back from France in spring 2016. Salt doesn't really lose its saltiness, does it?!?!


The second thing I'm changing is the colour of my tulips! (My regular blog readers knew I couldn't get through a whole post around this time of year without mentioning tulips, right?!?!?) Now that January is over, I'm buying more red, pink, and purple ones. In January I was all about the yellows and the oranges. I really love both bouquets of tulips I currently have.


The first thing I'm "celebrating" is kind of boring but, as of Monday night, we've used up all of the large root vegetables from our fall CSA! Dave asked Sam to peel the rutabaga so I could make fries, and Sam accidentally peeled the celeriac instead. So I made that into fries too. This picture isn't the prettiest but I ate them both with BBQ sauce and thought they were soooo good! 

Also, we are also "celebrating" every single time the sun shines! This past weekend, we enjoyed ice cream twice in celebration. I thought my combination below (strawberries 'n cream and grapefruit hibiscus) was also very festive for February :)

So that is what is up with us in this February edition of "currently." I'm looking forward to reading all your answers to learn how to be romantic in a way that doesn't inspire concern about medical emergencies! Hahahahahahaha!!!


  1. Well you might not think it's very exciting, but I got a good laugh out of the romantic story, and I AM WITH YOU ON THE SUNSHINE. Bring it! I also giggled over changing the salt. Hey, the little things can be very exciting. - Bekah

  2. Natasha, I too had to laugh about the romantic story! Those tulips are so pretty and brighten up everything.

  3. I'm also celebrating when the sun is out! That ice cream looks great.

  4. I'm laughing at your celebration of the root vegetables, but I know how pleasing it is to use up food rather than having to throw it out!

  5. That story about the lip syncing is so funny! And how cute is that giant heart? Great picture of you guys- have a great Wednesday!

  6. Romance or medical emergency? That is so funny. Love your tulips.

  7. What a funny story! Men are so silly sometimes. ;-)

  8. I had a harder time with these prompts than usual! That romance or medical emergency story had me laughing.

  9. Hahahahaha!!!!! I loved your romantic story!! I'm still laughing as I type. I think changing salt into the grinder is exciting! The reason for this is that I love salt and our fancy grinder from Aldi special buys- the one that grinds when you tip it over. Well, it's empty!! Every time we go to use it nothing comes out. My husband keeps saying I'll fill it tomorrow. Then we both forget. If he filled it for me, I would take that as a very romantic gesture!!

  10. I love tulips! They're so pretty!

  11. story and such a good laugh this morning. Lip syncing love songs and your husband thinks your having a seizure!! Oh boy....
    Rachel looks so cute her in dance photos!!

  12. Laughed at your story of attempting to be romantic! That sounds like something my husband and I would do. I guess "romantic" means different things to different couples. I know our idea of it doesn't involved bouquets and boxes of chocolate! LOL Your tulips are beautiful and that ice cream looks delicious. I don't think I've ever eaten celeriac, and I'm not sure I even know what it is. haha.


Thank you for being interested in my life as I blog it and for leaving a comment. Comments make me happier than reading a good book and drinking a cold Coke. Almost :)