Monday, May 10, 2021

I Spy: Week 18

I missed doing my weekly I Spy post on Saturday but I'm back with it today. As always, I'm linking up with Lysha at A Camera and A Cookbook. I did struggle with some of these prompts but honestly, some weeks are just like that.

Let's Play iSpy 2021


We don't get a lot of exciting mail, but we did get our Canadian census form this past week. Rachel ripped into it like nobody's business. Why?!?! We have no idea :) Hahaha! Also, sadly we received the long-form census and I had it 82% of the way filled out but got stuck on how much we paid for water, electricity, etc in the past twelve months. When I went back to the form with the answers, none of it had been saved. Ugh. So basically we filled out the long-form census twice.

{How You Feel Today}

This one is unique to me but, any day I can hang laundry outside means that I will be feeling happy, productive, and somewhat hopeful! So that's what this picture represents. This was Saturday and I was so happy to get a load of laundry hanging outside.


I really didn't know what to do with this one -- I guess I could have taken a picture of our recycling out for pickup on Thursday night -- but I decided to capture this much more picturesque view. Ever since a friend gifted us beeswax dipped cloth, we use this in place of Saran Wrap. I LOVE these beeswax wraps.

{Shoot from the hip (put your camera at waist or hip level-don’t look through the view finder and see what you got!)}

I captured this picture of some of my favourite spring flowers one morning on an early morning backyard walk. I was so happy I got the peonies in the background too!

{Your Choice}

I wrote about this in my May goals but our city has a Taco Trail, including this ice cream taco! We decided to check it out and it was pretty good. The nice thing is that each person could choose two ice cream flavours and two toppings. I had Lavender Honey ice cream with Raspberry Lemon ice cream and then whipped cream and caramel sauce on top. YUUUUMMM!!!


  1. Nothing like drying clothes on a clothes line- nothing smells fresher!

  2. Once again, GREAT pictures to go with the prompts! That ice cream taco looks AMAZING.

  3. Ice cream taco?! Yes please!
    So annoying about the long-form census!

  4. I have been wanting to try the beeswax cloths! And the ice cream taco sounds great, though I'm curious about the caramel on top. I love caramel, but I can't quite picture that complementing the flavor of the two ice creams!!! Still sounds amazing though!! :)

  5. I am here for the ice cream taco! Dang, why hasn't that come into my life?? I hate when I feel something out online and then you go to submit and poof its gone and have to redo it all. So aggravating!

  6. That ice cream sounds delicious! I am so intrigue with the idea of beeswax cloths. You have some real pretty patterns there.


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