Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Currently: March 2025

As always on the first Wednesday of the month, I'm linking up with Jennifer at My Joyful Life for her "Currently" post. You can find Jennifer here.


I'm really "loving" my current tulips. We've had tulips in our house since the beginning of January and I don't know how many more bouquets I'll be buying. We're heading in to the time of year where my thoughts turn to outside flowers so I'm just soaking up these last few bunches of the season.

I'm "loving" how it is getting light earlier and staying light later in the evening. I am so excited about more light!!!

left: 6:57am; right: 6:22pm

I'm "loving" this picture my mom sent of me as a baby earlier this week. I was so cute, if I can say so myself! Hahaha!!! Also, I still have that pink blanket I'm sitting on in this photo in my closet :)


I am "craving" sunshine and warmth. Spring is getting closer every day, but it's not quite here yet, and I am "craving" it so badly I can almost taste it.


I haven't been "pinning" anything recently but we've been intentionally working on cleaning our house this past week. I feel like I should have been "pinning" some cleaning schedules as our house has been a bit of a disaster these past few months and we just don't have a regular cleaning routine. Either that, or I need to be "pinning" budgeting tips so we can hire a regular house cleaner!!! It's become more and more tempting to get one as Dave and I both work full-time and the kids become more involved in other activities...


The biggest thing we're "planning" is for Sam to drive... ACK!

I'm also "planning" on getting a lot of sleep next week during our March Break. A whole week without work -- whoo hooo!!!


I wiped out really badly on glare ice while walking to work on Friday. I've been extremely sore, and I think I bruised my tailbone, or some bone back there. I spent a lot of time this past weekend sitting on the couch or lying in bed so I was "appreciating" how helpful my family was while I was not up to my usual energy. Rachel made supper on Saturday night, Dave did some extra cleaning, and Sam did some extra dishes. I will also be "appreciating" it when our snow and ice all melt and it's safe to walk again. Gah.

I'm also really "appreciating" that Dave cleaned our oven yesterday. It was so dirty and looks so much better now! Also, Dave is a perfectionist so it's good to give him jobs like the oven or the bathroom because he does an amazing job of cleaning them!!!

So that's been what's up with us "Currently." I'm really hoping by my next "currently" post we'll be enjoying spring and all the fun that brings.

Monday, March 03, 2025

The Rest Of My February Reading

I read quite the mix of books in the last half of February. I also read a little more than normal because I was sick (so had extra time to read), we had a long weekend where all we could do was stay home and shovel snow (and read!), and I read some shorter books.

I don't normally love Nora Roberts stand alone stories. I much prefer her trilogies or her In Death series. However, this is the second stand alone I've read of hers in the past couple of months and I enjoyed it. It was kind of a perfect, light thriller for our snowy long weekend.

After I read Canary Girls by Jennifer Chiaverini I took out some of her other books. This one was very interesting as it was written from the perspective of a woman of colour who worked with Mary Todd Lincoln. I kind of want to do some research to find out if Lincoln's wife was as unlikable as she was portrayed in this book. I just didn't come away feeling very positive about her.

This was a great, slightly meatier romcom which I read in one sitting. Funny note: A few days later my principal and I were discussing books and it turned out we read this one at the same time! We both liked it and I have some of the other books in this series on hold now.

This is a graphic novel series about Nick and Charlie falling in love. It's really heartwarming but tackles some tougher issues. I now have Rachel reading it.

I hadn't read this in awhile so it was fun to pick it up and read it again. It's a novella which is placed early on in the series.

I took this book out after I read The Briar Club in January. I wanted to know more about Russian spies. While this was very interesting, and told the story of Russian spies in the 40s/50s and how the FBI worked to catch them, it was also a little dry, so I wouldn't recommend this to everyone. I really liked it though and couldn't put it down.


This is the latest In Death book and I don't know if it was the space I was in or what, but I didn't love it. I thought it would really appeal to me and it was just a little... blah.

This is the final book in this series and it wrapped the series up nicely. After finishing it, I put the earlier novels on hold because I want to read them again. It's a fun, light, romance series set in regency England.

Again, this is out of season (set mainly around Christmas) but I'm reading this series as it becomes available to me. I'm interested to see how the series ends but again, it's not super engaging or heavy -- just a nice, light read.

So that is what I read in the last half of February. I'm starting to request more physical books from my library which changes my reading as I find it's not as easy to read them at night. I much prefer to read books on my Kobo at night and physical books at other times. What's your preference when it comes to reading? And do you have any suggestions as to what I should pick up next?!?!?!?

February 2025: 16

2025 total: 31